Anthony C Heaford, me
I'm not a journalist, writer or investigator. I am, by chance, a witness to some very significant matters.
by Anthony C Heaford --- @mancunianquiet on twitter --- Updated 18 Jan 2025
Born in 1970 Greater Manchester courtesy of the NHS and educated at a state funded boarding school, Lancaster Grammar. No kids, never married but well travelled. I grew up in a family dominated by its business, my two elder brothers working for my parents engineering company JM Heaford Ltd. I joined the family business in 1988, my uncle joined in 1997 and my eldest sister joined in 2002. Unbeknown to me until 2019 my father was a British Intelligence asset with his own overseas agents, his legitimate print engineering export business a perfect front. In September 1997 he sent me to install a machine in Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's front company, 17-miles south of Al Qaidah town in Yemen. It wasn't until 2015 that I realised who I had met and the significance of locations, events and conversations there. And it took me till December 2019 to discover my parent's US sales agent's link to CIA contratcor Billy Waugh, and then their role dawned on me - my parents had arranged numerous such business trips and meetings for me, all linked to the impression I had made in Yemen.
Whatever role my parents had by sending me to a very suspect customer in 1997 Yemen, and to subsequent meetings in Dubai and London, it was all endorsed by the British State and the British Crown. That's proven by their three Queen's Awards for Export Achievement, the first in 1977 when my father was managing director of his banking-heir-uncle Richard Cunliffe's engineering export business, George Molton Successors Ltd. The second came to JM Heaford Ltd in 1987 after selling money printing machinery to El Salvador's murderous junta and the third in 1995 after furnishing a terrorist front company in 1994 Yemen. Their customer in Yemen in 1994 & 1997 was a multi-billion dollar global conglomerate with historical ties to the British Empire of old and intimate links to the London Establishment of today. It is the Yemeni owned Hayel Saeed Anam Group (HSA) who moved their headquarters from Taiz to Dubai just before UAE bombed their Taiz Headquarters. Today HSA is partnered with the World Economic Forum and United Nations despite previous corruption on 1990s UN Iraqi oil-for-food contracts and documented terrorism funding links dating back to a Swiss shell company in 1984 Switzerland, where and when my uncle was an accountant before joining JM Heaford Ltd in 1997. HSA funded Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM) via a London shell company called Longulf Trading using a Cayman Island shell company called Atlantic Investments, setup by three St Clair-Morgan family members in Jersey (another British tax haven) who are already implicated in money laundering and illegal arms dealing - evidence of which is being deleted and Jersey's financial crimes police refuse to investigate. I also met KSM's 'finance manager' in 1998 Dubai, while staying with my accountant sister who joined JM Heaford Ltd in 2002. Another uncle was an accountant in the 1970/80s Bahamas, a British tax haven not far from the afore mentioned Cayman Islands. HSA also owns Britain's biggest cardboard packaging company - Cepac Limited - setup by Longulf Trading with cash purchases of the three biggest existing companies in 1997, while KSM was in HSA's Yemen HQ. My testimony will bring down the Deep State and probably the British Crown too, but will also enable better governence and security once everyone knows who the bad guys are. Exposing western complicity with KSM and 9/11 is the only thing big enough to unite enough people across all nations to end the Deep State's great games they play with all our lives.
British police refuse to take my statement or investigate my claims but have stalked and spied on me, and falsely accused me of terrorist inclinations. My family and other Deep State entities have targeted every aspect of my life for aggravation and retribution. From career damning informal job references to my NHS doctors, dentists, mental health unit & a surgeon's deliberate malpractice and lies. And even church officials spreading lies about me in my local community, and security services spying on all communications and even conversations. I was asked to interview by the US 9/11 Military Commission's investigators (March 2018 emails) but they refuse to discuss my witness status and I don't trust them so I declined their invitation. I think that US military investigator's contact was prompted by Sir Graham Brady MP forwarding my 9/11 conversations in 1997 Yemen dossier to British SIS, the US Embassy London and Parliament's Intelligence & Security committee (March 2017 correspondence), despite those entities never responding.
I need protection from the criminal British State / Deep State who've spied on and tortured me for over ten years. I need witness protection via a US Federal court, and an independent investigation of my claims and evidence. To highlight the gravity of my situation, my old workmate Dave Dean committed suicide on January 8, 2020, two days after I tweeted about his links to the CIA, Billy Waugh and Al Qaeda front companies in Yemen. Dean was the US sales agent for my parents company who setup the machine sale to Yemen at an April 1997 exhibition in his home town Chicago. Dean's public suicide validates my claims and justifies my witness protection. I am NOT suicidal (I want to see how this ends). Documents below include my certificates, army appraisals and a mental health assessment as character references.
Signed Anthony C Heaford
My 2009-13 military service and my official 9/11 correspondence
1987 Lancaster Grammar:
GCE O Level exam results
1991: BTEC National Certificate
Engineering / Mechanical Manufacture
1992: City & Guilds
Electronic Servicing
2002: Eltromat GmbH
Employer's technical training
2010 Manchester: army appraisal.
2012 Afghanistan: army appraisal
2017 NHS: "You're Not Mad"
Life highlights & goals