The Battle of Camp Bastion
by Anthony C Heaford --- @mancunianquiet on twitter --- Updated 16 February 2025
On Friday 14 September 2012 fifteen Taliban suicide attackers dressed in US army uniforms breached Camp Bastion's airfield defences. Before dawn the next day all but one of the attackers were dead but they took two US Marines with them, decimated a squadron of Harrier jump jets, caused $400 million of physical damage and inflicted untold reputational damage on NATO. I was in Camp Bastion that summer, a vehicle mechanic deployed with 4-Battalion REME Light Vehicles Platoon from April to October and completed over a dozen airfield guard duties. I know the corner of the airfield where the attack took place intimatley, so well that I predicted such an attack exactly one week before; I was twice refused permission to illuminate the valley with a flare when I saw our defences being probed at 9:30pm on September 07, told repeatedly "Don't worry so much" by the guard commanders whose arrogant incomputence scared me more than Taliban RPGs.
Camp Bastion (aka Camp Leatherneck to US forces) was built on the site of an old Soviet airfield and had been chosen for the security benefits of not having immediate neighbours. And then British commanders allowed an opium producing village to be built in the previously barren desert just 150-meters from our fence. The poppy fields were irrigated by a water source inside the NATO main operating base, our treated effluent. The photos below are referenced to the satellite image of Camp Bastion reveal facts not reported before, intended for readers to orientate themselves to the location and circumstances of the attack.The British senior commander's fatal incomputence and the subsequent cover up (lies and omissions in both the British and U.S.A.'s Inquiries) to be added.
1 Full Google Earth Satellite Image
1 Google Earth Compare: 2013 NATO / 2022 Taliban
2 Captain Harry Windsor / Attack Helicopters
3 Captain Windsor's Close Shave
4 US Lt Col Raible & Sgt Atwell
Killed-in-Action by RPGs
5 GQ Magazine illustration of a
US Helicopter Ending the
Battle with 30mm Cannon Fire
9 Naw-abad village Mosque with a loop-hole & airfield observation possible from the small upper-storey window
8 Unsecured Earthworks by a Public Road provided cover for the Taliban attackers at their drop-off point 7-days later
7 The furthest tower is the one closest to the Taliban's breach point. Most were unoccupied & some had no night or thermal vision
6 Taliban training video of them cutting a chain link fence, & the actual fence cut photos partially declassified by the US Inquiry
Related reports for submision to Britain's parliament (work-in-progress February 2025)
British Complicity in Afghan Opium Production: Its Consequences, the Corruption and the Coverup
Page 1 & 2
British Complicity in Afghan Opium Production: Its Consequences, the Corruption and the Coverup
Page 3 & 4
British Complicity in Afghan Opium Production: Its Consequences, the Corruption and the Coverup
Page 5 & 6

Documentaries & News Reports
Taliban release training video for Camp Bastion attack
Five Minute Video Detailing the Taliban Breach of the Airfield Defences
US Marines Television News Interviews