I'm not a journalist, writer or investigator. I am, by chance, a witness to some very significant matters. by Anthony C Heaford--- @mancunianquieton twitter --- October 03, 2024
In September 1997, when employed as a field service technician by a Queen's Awardwinning British engineering export company, I was sent to install printing machinery in a new factory in Yemen. That factory turned out to be Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s front company, just 17-miles south of Al Qaidah town. I visited both locations, taken to an unscheduled meeting one mile from Al Qaidah town on my last day in Yemen. That detour happened thirty-minutes afterI'd met Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and had our photo takentogether inside the multi-billion dollar Hayel Saeed Anam Group's headquarters compound. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was introduced to me as the Engineerby a man they called The Chief, also known as Mr Saeed Alrobaidi - the HSA Group HQ's general manager. Those meetings were the EXACT Origin of the 9/11 Plot.
I’m documenting my experiences for the public record so the evidence and my testimony can be acted upon, and in hope I'll be offered the witness protection I feel my efforts justify. I declined a March 2018 US Pentagon origin 9/11 Military Commission interview requestbecause they wouldn't discuss my witness status plus I don't trust the Guantanamo court. British security services are spying on and targeting me but refuse to talk about or acknowledge my claims despite being formally informed bySir Graham Brady MP in March 2017.On January 8, 2020 my former work-mate US Vietnam veteranDavid Dean killed himself by drowning in Lake Hartwellafter I'd publicly linked him to the CIA, Al Qaeda, a military contractor called Billy Waugh, and of setting up my visit to KSM's front company in1997 Yemen. Dean was my parent's US sales agent - I was working for my family's engineering export business, JM Heaford Limited of Manchester, England. It was my own parents who sent me to 1997 Yemen but it wasn't until 2019 that I realised their full role in this clandestine activity.
While serving six months with the British army insummer 2012 HelmandI saw NATO's corruption, incompetence, criminality and disfunction first-hand and am trying to address that too. My reports are linked in the Afghan Reportstab at the top of the page. There's a crossover point between my Yemen 1997 and my Helmand 2012 experiences - Abdul Rasul Sayyaf, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's boss and a politician in the Afghan government I deployed to defended. Service number 30088729, military service details.